Structure and distribution of credits


Distribution of the curriculum in ECTS credits by type of subject matters

Distribution of the curriculum in ECTS credits by type of subject matters
Course Basic Mandatory Optatives Curricular internships End of Studies Dissertation Total
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Total {{ct.credects}} {{ct.credects}} {{ct.credects}} {{ct.credects}} {{ct.credects}} {{cre.creditos_totales | map: 'credects' | toArray | sum}}

Structure of the Degree

  • Module 1: Basic Sciences (60 credits)
  • Module 2: Nursing Sciences (60 credits)
  • Module 3: UAL Specific training (24 credits)
  • Module 4: Elective module (6 credits)
  • Module 5: Supervised Work Placement and Undergraduate Dissertation (90 credits)

Time planning chart of the Modules:

  • MODULE 1, the courses belonging to this module are taught in the first and second years.
  • MODULE 2, the courses belonging to this module are taught in the first, second and third year.
  • MODULE 3, the courses belonging to this module are taught in the first, third and fourth year.
  • MODULE 4, the courses belonging to this module are taught in the third year. Students must take 6 credits to be chosen between the two elective courses offered in third year: “Health Care for Citizenship” or “Complementary Techniques Applied to Nursing Care”.
  • MODULE 5, the courses belonging to this module are taught in the second, third and fourth year.