Structure and distribution of credits


Distribution of the curriculum in ECTS credits by type of subject matters

Distribution of the curriculum in ECTS credits by type of subject matters
Course Basic Mandatory Optatives Curricular internships End of Studies Dissertation Total
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Structure of the Degree

The Master’s in Chemistry, a joint degree programme of the Universities of Almería, Cádiz, Córdoba, Huelva, Jaén and Málaga, has a total of 60 ECTS credits that may be taken in the two semesters of an academic year. It is organised in 24 compulsory credits, 20 elective credits, and a Master’s Thesis of 16 credits.

The Master is organised in three modules and offers seven specialisations:

1. “Advanced Chemistry” (Universities of Almería, Cádiz, Córdoba, Huelva and Jaén).
2. “Environmental Chemistry and Chemistry of Life” (University of Almería).
3. “Chemistry of Materials” (University of Cádiz).
4. “Biomolecules” (University of Cádiz).
5. “Fine Chemistry and Nanochemistry” (University of Córdoba).
6. “Sustainable Chemistry. Environment, Health and Food” (University of Huelva).
7. “Methodologies and Techniques in Chemistry: Design and Analysis” (University of Jaén).
8. “Applied Chemistry and Nanotechnology” (University of Málaga).

Module 1: Fundamental Chemistry Module, with 24 ECTS compulsory credits organised in 4 courses of 5 ECTS credits each one and a 4 ECTS credits transversal course.
Module 2: Specialisation Module, which offers 260 ECTS credits divided in three specialisations of 20 ECTS credits each one, and five specialisations of 40 ECTS credits each one.
Module 3: Master’s Thesis Module of 16 ECTS credits.

Students may obtain one specialisation (whose name shall be mentioned in the Master's Degree), out of the seven offered in the master, and for this reason, in each case, they must take the credits which appear below:

- Specialisations: “Advanced Chemistry”, "Chemistry of Materials" and "Biomolecules":
Student must take the 24 compulsory credits belonging to Module 1, the 20 credits of the specialisation chosen and the 16 credits of Module 3.

- Specialisations: “Environmental Chemistry and Chemistry of Life”, “Fine Chemistry and Nanochemistry”, “Sustainable Chemistry. Environment, Health and Food” , “Methodologies and Techniques in Chemistry: Design and Analysis” and "Applied Chemistry and Nanotechnology":
Students must take the 24 compulsory credits of Module 1, also must take 20 credits out of the 40 offered in the specialisation chosen and the 16 credits of Module 3.