Call for distribution of grants for international mobility from Partner Countries to the University of Almeria within the framework of the ERASMUS+ KA-171 program during the academic year 2024/25

The Universidad de Almeria is offering Erasmus+ KA-171  funding to support Faculty and Administration staff from our partner universities interested in training or teaching for a week at UAL


Amount of the Grant: Up to 1190€, plus travel allowance (see page 2 of the call, below)

Applicants’ Requirements: Must be employed at their home university at the time of the mobility; must provide a certificate of English and/or Spanish language - Advanced (i.e. B2) or higher level; must provide a support letter (below) from home university

Type of grant offered: 

STA (Teaching) grant to carry out a mobility of five consecutive days and at least 8 hours of teaching at UAL. Lectures’ content and dates to be discussed with the assigned host at UAL, though mobility must end no later than 6/30/2025

STT (Training) grant to carry out a 5 days mobility during UAL’s 2025 International Staff Week (May 31st tp April 4th 2025). See 2024 ISW web page for reference.

Applications: Through the call's form (below), before December 8th 2024, at 23:59 CET time

More information: We strongly encourage applicants to read the full call (below)

Questions? Please contact Universidad de Almeria through

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