El International Welcome Center (IWC) es un punto de recepción dirigido a investigadores interesados en realizar una estancia en la Universidad de Almería.
About Us
The International Welcome Center is an information point for those researches who want to do a research stay at our Institution.

What we offer
At the IWC, we provide researchers with essential information and targeted assistance before, during and after their stay at UAL. Our services include:
- Information and advice before arrival.
- Management procedures to access UAL services.
- Issue of different documents.
Contacto / Contact
Dirección / address: Universidad de Almería
Ctra. Sacramento s/n
Edificio CAE, despacho 1.40
04120 Almería (España/Spain) Teléfonos / telephones +34 950 015975 +34 950 015973 e-mail: welcomecenter@fundacionual.es
Dirección / address: Universidad de Almería
Ctra. Sacramento s/n
Edificio CAE, despacho 1.40
04120 Almería (España/Spain) Teléfonos / telephones +34 950 015975 +34 950 015973 e-mail: welcomecenter@fundacionual.es
What can we do for you?
We assist international researchers in order to make their time in our University more comfortable and to facilitate their integration in Almería and UAL’s campus.