Adaptation of the Curriculum


The following table shows the adaptation of the existing studies of {{oldplan.nom_plan}}  to the new Curriculum of {{nom.dsplan}}

Adaptation table {{oldplan.nom_plan}}
Subjects of {{oldplan.nom_plan}} Subjects of {{nom.dsplan}}

{{ori | ltrim: '\\d+\-'}}

{{des | ltrim: '\\d+\-'}}

Adaptation Procedure

Students of previous degrees may choose to:

  • Complete the studies in their degrees, which will be progressively discontinued, according to the timetable set in the report and the regulations established by the University of Almeria.
  • Adaptation to the new official Bachelor's Degree. In this case the transfer table on this page will be applied.
  • The discontinuance for the studies indicated will be carried out temporally. Once each year has been discontinued, six exam sittings will be held in the following three academic years.