Structure and distribution of credits


Distribution of the curriculum in ECTS credits by type of subject matters

Distribution of the curriculum in ECTS credits by type of subject matters
Course Basic Mandatory Optatives Curricular internships End of Studies Dissertation Total
{{curso}}º {{c.credects}} {{c.credects}} {{c.credects}} {{c.credects}} {{c.credects}} {{creditos | map: 'credects' | toArray | sum}}
Total {{ct.credects}} {{ct.credects}} {{ct.credects}} {{ct.credects}} {{ct.credects}} {{cre.creditos_totales | map: 'credects' | toArray | sum}}

Structure of the Degree

The Degree in Mathematics is composed of 17 modules:

  • Module 1. Mathematics (42 ECTS).
  • Module 2. Information Technology (12 ECTS).
  • Module 3. Physics (12 ECTS).
  • Module 4. Mathematical Analysis (24 ECTS).
  • Module 5. Algebraic Structures and Discrete Mathematics (12 ECTS).
  • Module 6. Linear Algebra, Geometry and Topology (24 ECTS).
  • Module 7. Differential Equations (12 ECTS).
  • Module 8. Probability and Statistics (12 ECTS).
  • Module 9. Numerical Methods (12 ECTS).
  • Module 10. Optimization and Modelling (12 ECTS).
  • Module 11. Fundamental Mathematics (12 ECTS).
  • Module 12. Equations in Partial Derivatives and Numerical Simulation (12 ECTS).
  • Module 13. Computational Mathematics (12 ECTS).
  • Module 14. Applied Statistics (12 ECTS).
  • Module 15. Work Placements (12 ECTS).
  • Module 16. Divulgative Mathematics (12 ECTS).
  • Module 17. Undergraduate Dissertation (12 ECTS).

Time planning chart of the Degree:

The time planning of the courses can be seen in the following table. All the courses are compulsory except those that appear in red. These can be chosen by students taking into account that in each case only a course can be chosen among those within their field (marked with a thick line).

Explanation of the following table:

Students who do not obtain the recognition of credits established in Art. 12.8 of the Royal Decree 1393/2007 will have to choose one of the following courses Recreative Mathematics or Astronomy or among those that the University determines for such purpose.

Work placements (eighth semester) are compulsory and, if there are not enough places, students must take the following course: 'Mathematical Economy and Decision Making Techniques'.

In the second year students must choose one of the two elective courses: 'Recreative Mathematics' or 'Astronomy' (except for if the student has those credits recognised in line with Art. 12.8 of the Royal Decree 1393/2007). Only one of the two courses indicated can be taken, they are incompatible.

In the eighth semester (4th year), students must choose one of the two elective courses: 'Numerical Simulation' or 'Data Analysis'.


First year

First semester

Second semester

Basic Structures of Algebra (B6)

Introduction to Probability and Statistics (B6)

Elementary Geometry (B6)

Linear Algebra (B6)

Basic Elements in Mathematics (Comp6)

Physics I (B6)

Mathematical Analysis (B12)

Computer Programming (B12)

Second year

Third semester

Fourth semester

Differential Equations I (Comp6)

Topology (Comp6)

Numerical Methods I (Comp6)

Discrete Mathematics (Comp6)

Similar Geometry (Comp6)

Intelligent Systems (Comp6)

Recreative Mathematics (Elect6)

Physics II (B6)

Astronomy (Elect6)

Differential and Integral Calculus (Comp 12)

Third year

Fifth semester

Sixth semester

Groups, Rings and Bodies (Comp6)

Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces (Comp6)

Optimisation (Comp6)

Modelling (Comp6)

Vector Analysis (Comp6)

Numerical Methods II (Comp6)

Probability (Comp6)

Differential Equations II (Comp6)

Complex Analysis (Comp6)

Statistics (Comp6)

Fourth year

Seventh Semester

Eighth Semester

Design of Experiments and Models of Regression (Comp6)

Undergraduate Dissertation(TFG12)

Introduction to Algebraic Topology (Comp6)

Global Geometry of Surfaces (Comp6)

Number Theory and Computational Algebra (Comp6)

Work placement (PE6)

Mathematical Economy and Decision Making Techniques (PE6)

Mathematical Physics Equations (Comp6)

Numerical Simulation (Elect 6)

Data Analysis (Elect6)

Functional Analysis (Comp6)