Structure and distribution of credits


Distribution of the curriculum in ECTS credits by type of subject matters

Distribution of the curriculum in ECTS credits by type of subject matters
Course Basic Mandatory Optatives Curricular internships End of Studies Dissertation Total
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Structure of the Degree

In accordance with the guidelines set out in the Royal Decree 1393/2007, the Bachelor's Degree in Chemistry (2018) is composed of 240 credits distributed in four years. Five modules are set out: Basic (60 ECTS), Compulsory (141 ECTS), Bachelor's Dissertation (15 ECTS), Internships (6 ECTS) and Elective (36 ECTS, 18 credits must be chosen).

The Basic Module is fully taught in the first year and is composed of five subjects: Physics, Biology, Geology, Mathematics and Chemistry. Such module fully agrees with the guidelines set out in the Royal Decree 1393/2007, which comprises the five basic subjects of the Sciences Branch.

In the Compulsory Module the minimal competencies required for a Graduate in Chemistry are established. For this reason, the main subjects that comprise this module belong to the Chemistry branches: Analytical (30 ECTS), Inorganic (30 ECTS), Organic (30 ECTS) and Chemistry-Physics (30 ECTS). In addition to this, a lower number of credits deal with other subjects that are also essential in a Bachelor's Degree in Chemistry: Chemical Engineering (6 ECTS), Biochemistry (9 ECTS) and Material Sciences (6 ECTS). The credits belonging to this module are taught in the second and third year, and the rest of credits in fourth year, so that the contents and competencies of the Bachelor's Degree are distributed following an increasing complexity pattern. Chemical Engineering and Biochemistry are taught in the third year, and Materials Sciences in fourth year, in accordance with the previous competencies that students must acquire.

In the Bachelor's Dissertation Module 3 credits are reserved for a Documentation and Communication in Chemistry subject. This subject is introduced within this module with the purpose of helping students to acquire the required competencies to deal with the Bachelor's Dissertation with enough resources that allow them to work in an autonomous way. Therefore, when students take this subject in the second semester of the third year, they shall have acquired the necessary competencies to deal with the Bachelor's Dissertation (12 ECTS) which will be carried out at the end of their studies, in the fourth year. This module comprises the 15 credits required for getting the European Quality Labels in Chemistry in Europe.

The Internships Module is composed of a subject under the same name, Internships, with 6 compulsory ECTS, and it is developed yearly in the fourth year. It permits more flexibility for the company or institution, as well as for the student.

Finally, students must choose 18 ECTS credits, among the 36 of the Elective Module. However, 6 credits can be recognised for participating in some university activities such as cultural, sports, student representation, supportive and collaborative in accordance with Royal Decree 1393/2007. This module is taught in the second semester of fourth year.

Students of this degree must complete their elective academic load:

  • a) Taking the elective subjects included in this report.
  • b) Proving their participation in cultural, sports, student representation, supportive and collaborative activities as it is set out in article 12.8 of the Royal Decree 1393/2007 with the limits established in such regulations, and in accordance with the procedure established in the Credit Recognition and Transfer Rules of the University of Almeria.