Structure and distribution of credits


Distribution of the curriculum in ECTS credits by type of subject matters

Distribution of the curriculum in ECTS credits by type of subject matters
Course Basic Mandatory Optatives Curricular internships End of Studies Dissertation Total
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Total {{ct.credects}} {{ct.credects}} {{ct.credects}} {{ct.credects}} {{ct.credects}} {{cre.creditos_totales | map: 'credects' | toArray | sum}}

Structure of the Degree

The Bachelor's Degree in Psychology is composed 10 modules:

  • Module 1. Fundamentals of Psychology (12 credits).
  • Module 2. Education and Life Cycle Psychology (30 credits).
  • Module 3. Biological Basis of Behaviour (30 credits).
  • Module 4. Psychological Processes (36 credits).
  • Module 5. Social Basis of Behaviour (30 credits).
  • Module 6. Personality and Psychopathology (12 credits).
  • Module 7. Psychological Assessment and Diagnosis (12 credits).
  • Module 8. Intervention and Psychological Treatment (18 credits).
  • Module 9. Research methods, designs and techniques in Psychology (30 credits).
  • Module 10. Initiation to professional activities (30 credits).

Time planning chart of the Modules:

The curriculum is organised in subjects, which are included within broader modules. All the subjects last one semester, and except for Internships (18 ECTS Credits), all of them have an academic load of 6 or 12 ECTS credits. All the subjects are organised in 6 ECTS credits subjects (except for Internships).

75% of the subjects are common to all the Andalusian universities. This includes 60 ECTS credits corresponding with 9 basic specialisation subjects: Psychology (12 ECTS), Biology (6 ECTS), Physiology (6 ECTS) and Statistics (12 ECTS) of the Health Sciences Branch; and Psychology (12 ECTS), Sociology (6 ECTS) and Education (6 ECTS) of the Social and Law Sciences Branch. And also other 90 ECTS corresponding with compulsory subjects, the Internships, the Bachelor's Dissertation and 6 credits for other activities.

The rest are compulsory UAL specific subjects.


In compliance with Order CNU/1309/2018, by which the general terms which regulate the curricula of the Bachelor's Degree in Psychology and that are in force from 20th February 2020, this bachelor's degree awards the Health Psychology Mention (0 ECTS).


4th year Elective
Elective Subjects
4th year student must take 6 elective credits, and they can choose one of the two elective subjects offered:
  • Attention to people with disabilities, or
  • Cooperation, voluntary work and NGOs.