Structure and distribution of credits


Distribution of the curriculum in ECTS credits by type of subject matters

Distribution of the curriculum in ECTS credits by type of subject matters
Course Basic Mandatory Optatives Curricular internships End of Studies Dissertation Total
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Total {{ct.credects}} {{ct.credects}} {{ct.credects}} {{ct.credects}} {{ct.credects}} {{cre.creditos_totales | map: 'credects' | toArray | sum}}

Structure of the Degree

A 60 ECTS Basic Training Module, a 60 ECTS Common Specific Training Module and a 48 ECTS Specific Technology Module are established ("Software Engineering"; "Information Systems"; "Information Technologies"). These three modules are compulsory for all the students of the bachelor's degree in computer engineering.

Once that the three modules mentioned above, which are compulsory for all the students of the bachelor's degree in computer engineering (basic, common specific training and specific technology) have been completed, students may opt for taking one Specific Technology or two Specific Technologies.

In the first case, students must take an 12 ECTS Intensification Module of the Specific Technology chosen, a 18 ECTS module of complementary subjects chosen by the student of the intensifications of the two specific technologies not taken by the student (to be taken among the 24 ECTS offered), a specific technology module 'Computing and Computing Engineering' (the two technologies not offered by the University of Almeria) which have 12 ECTS, a 12 ECTS 'Internships' module and a 12 ECTS 'Bachelor's Dissertation' module. Students will complete their training with 6 ECTS elective credits that may be chosen among the rest of elective subjects that are not required to complete their pathway. The 6 ECTS elective credits can be also recognised for participating in some university activities such as cultural, sports, student representation, supportive and collaborative in accordance with Royal Decree 1393/2007.

In the second case, students must take 48 ECTS of other specialisation (other specific technology) and 18 ECTS of the Bachelor's Dissertation. In this option, when students take two specific technologies, the Bachelor's Dissertation will pass from 12 ECTS to 18 ECTS (students must take one complementary 6 ECTS subject to increase their number of credits and reach 18 ECTS). Finally, students will complete their training with the rest of elective subjects offered in the bachelor's degree that are not required for the pathway and the mentions that they have decided to take. These 6 ECTS elective credits can be also recognised for participating in some university activities such as cultural, sports, student representation, supportive and collaborative in accordance with Royal Decree 1393/2007, or taking a subject that has not a compulsory nature, including also some subjects of internships of the other choice.

Explanatory summary:

MODULES to be taken compulsorily for all the students:

  • Basic Training: 60 credits.
  • Common Training in the Information Technology Branch: 60 credits.

The subjects of 1st and 2nd years are common for all the students. In 3rd and 4th year, students may choose between taking an Specialisation training (a Specific Technology) or having a Generalist training (two Specific Technologies) and they have to take the corresponding subjects according to their choice.

Therefore, students shall take one of the following options (WARNING: it is compulsory to take one of the options to obtain the degree):

OPTION A (SPECIALIST), if the student takes one Specific Technology:
(Between 3rd and 4th year)

  • Specific Technology 1: 48 credits.
  • Intensification in Specific Technology 1: 12 credits.
  • Other Intensifications: 18 credits.
  • Specific Technologies Information Technology and Computer Engineering: 12 credits.
  • Internships: 12 credits.
  • Bachelor's Dissertation: 12 credits.
  • Elective subject: 6 credits.


OPTION B (GENERALIST), if the student takes two Specific Technologies:
(Between 3rd and 4th year).

  • Specific Technology 1: 48 credits.
  • Specific Technology 2: 48 credits.
  • Bachelor's Dissertation: 12 credits.
  • Complementary training of the Bachelor's Dissertation: 6 credits.
  • Elective subject: 6 credits (to be chosen among the subjects included in the elective subjects table but that have not been taken as compulsory of both technologies chosen, in addition to the subjects: 40154333 Internships 1 and 40154334 Internships 2).

Warning: It is advisable to check the schedules before enrolling to avoid problems of subject overlapping.

Warning: This curriculum comes from the previous version (4010) that can be seen in the following link.