

- Document to help you register


This Master’s is in the process of being removed. No new places are offered for the 2016-17 academic year. Remember that only failed courses in previous years may be re-sat without attending the lectures.

The Master's in Studies and Social Intervention in Immigration, Development and Vulnerable Groups aims to train specialists, professionals and researchers of the highest quality in the programme’s specialization fields, namely: Migratory studies, developmental studies, and specialized social intervention (social sector policy, specialized social work), mainly with regard to social exclusion, discrimination, migration, ethnicity and development. Two specialisation paths are also offered, one linked to intervention and the other to applied research. The specialisation in Migration Studies and the applied social research path are the most developed aspects of the master's degree at the University of Almeria.

Run by Run by
{{centro.nom_centro}} (Department of {{centro.nom_departamento}})

General data

Branch of knowledge:


Duration of the program:

{{pre.presentacion[0].n_creditos}} Credits / {{pre.presentacion[0].n_duracion}} years

Type of education


Language(s) used

Spanish French English
Spanish French English
Spanish French English

Field of Knowledge:


Fields of study -ISCED:




Telephone: {{coo.coordinador[0].tlfcoo | trim}}

E-mail: {{coo.coordinador[0].emailcoo}}

E-mail: {{c.cen_email}}

Objectives and Competencies

Objectives and Competencies

Go to Objectives and Competencies


  • Validation report of the "Master's Degree in Migration Studies, Development and Social Intervention".Current report (latest version): 23 December 2010.
  • P7.- Material Resources and Services.Availability and Suitability of Material Resources and Services.


Pending approval

Pending publication

Pending verification

Deployment {{pre.otros_datos[0].any_ini_implantacion}}
Deployment {{pre.estado[0].any_iniplan}}
Starting date of extinction {{pre.otros_datos[0].any_ini_extincion}}
End extinction {{pre.otros_datos[0].any_fin_extincion}}

Participating universities