The Inter-university Master’s in Corporate Accounting and Finance (COFIC) by the University of Almeria and the Technical University of Cartagena has, as its general objective, the training of professionals and researchers in the Accounting and Finance field, trying to respond to the ever-increasing demands that a competitive and globalised economy puts on the specialised agents in these disciplines.
COFIC will be open to both national and foreign professionals interested in continuous and high-quality training applicable to the positions of business responsibility that they already hold and that may hold in the future. It also intends to meet the accounting and/or financial research training needs that contribute to social development through the doctoral theses carried out in the various universities and research centres from where the students come.
In addition, the Master's in Corporate Accounting and Finance, complying with the Resolution of the Institute of Accounting and Financial Auditing of September 8, 2016, grants the partial generic waivering of the theoretical training courses for auditors and the first phase of the Official Register of Auditors access examination in the subjects listed in the equivalency table.
The Master’s offers this access exemption to the Financial Auditing profession to students who take the following set of subjects.
Video presentation
Suggested profile for newly enrolled students
The access criteria for the Official Inter-University Master’s in Corporate Accounting and Finance are generic in nature.
Thus, all students who have completed the following degrees may enrol in the Master's Degree:
- Graduates in Finance and Accounting.
- Business Administration and Management.
- Economic and Business Sciences.
- Business Sciences.
- Actuarial Sciences.
- Environmental Sciences.
- Political and Administration Sciences.
- Law.
- Economics.
- Computer Sciences.
- Market Research and Techniques.
- Public Accountant or Accounting.
- Engineer or Graduate.
- Other degrees equivalent to those above, especially new degrees that may be introduced.
- Also, those licenciatura or diplomatura students who have exceeded the credits corresponding to above degrees.
- In any event, the Postgraduate Committee will be responsible for evaluating student admission applications for those qualifications not listed in the previous points.
While all graduates with degrees from any branch of knowledge may access the Master's, preference will be given to those who have obtained their degree in the social legal branch, and especially those who come from the official degrees in Finance and Accounting, Business Administration and Management, or other EHEA equivalent.
Due to the limited number of places, preference will be given to graduates with a specific profile in Finance and Accounting, Business Administration and Management, Business Sciences or other EHEA equivalent.
General data
Branch of knowledge:
Duration of the program:
{{pre.presentacion[0].n_creditos}} Credits / {{pre.presentacion[0].n_duracion}} years
Type of education
Language(s) used
Field of Knowledge:
Fields of study -ISCED:
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E-mail: {{coo.coordinador[0].emailcoo}}
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