Subjects by Specialities
The Master’s degrees may be configured so that the student can end up graduating in a specific specialisation. Such specialisations may receive different names, although the most common are those of "Specialisation" or "Curricular pathway".
Code | Subject matter | ECTS | Course | semester | Character |
{{c.cod_ass}} |
Only right to exam until the academic year {{c.f_finsoloexa}}
Subject matter extinguished as from year: {{c.f_iniext}}
Subject matter extinguished as from year: {{c.f_iniext}}
Offered as from the year: {{c.f_inivig}}
Offered as from the year: {{c.f_inivig}}
Subject matter extinguished as from year: {{c.f_iniext}}
{{c.creditos_ass}} |
{{c.curso_ass}} |
1st semester2nd semesterAnnual |
{{c.nom_caracter_ass}} |
Students have to choose one of the pathways indicated.