Structure and distribution of credits


Distribution of the curriculum in ECTS credits by type of subject matters

Distribution of the curriculum in ECTS credits by type of subject matters
Course Basic Mandatory Optatives Curricular internships End of Studies Dissertation Total
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Structure of the Degree

The Master's in Legal Practice will be developed throughout 14 months, and will be organised in three semesters of 16 weeks each one, 1st year of 60 ECTS and 2nd year of 30 ECTS. It is organised in six modules which group different courses.

  • The Module I, “Deontology and Bar Association”, composed of 11 ECTS credits groups the courses belonging to: “Legal Practice” (5 ECTS), “Deontology and Professional Responsibility” (3 ECTS) and “Extrajudicial Means of Conflict Resolution” (3 ECTS). This module will be taught in the 1st and 2nd Semesters.

  • The Module II “Private Forensic Practice” organises the 17 ECTS credits in four courses: “General Civil Procedural Practice” (5 ECTS) and “Patrimonial Law Practice” (5 ECTS) taught in the first semester; and “Business Law Practice” (5 ECTS) and “Forensic Practice in terms of people, family and successions” (2 ECTS), taught in the 2nd Semester.

  • The Module III “Criminal Forensic Practice” is composed of two courses “Transversal issues related with penal proceedings (5 ECTS) where it is appropriate” to remind that the assistance to the person under arrest and accused is found and “Criminal Proceedings Practice” (6 ECTS). The 11 ECTS credits of this Module III are taught in the first semester.

  • The Module IV “Other Aspects of Forensic Practice”, composed of 15 ECTS credits, is given in the second semester and it comprises four subjects: “Contentious-administrative Forensic Practice” (5 ECTS), “Labout Forensic Practice” (5 ECTS), “Professional Tax Practice” (3 ECTS) and “Constitutional and European Jurisdictions” (2 ECTS).

  • Module V “Master’s Thesis” of 6 ECTS.

  • Module VI “Work Placement” consists of 30 ECTS credits.

A content-oriented distribution has been chosen in the areas of professional practice of the legal profession in contrast with a distribution that prioritise other criteria such as the balance in the number of credits or their correspondence with timing planning. In this sense, the modules are determined by the areas of forensic practice, specifically distinguishing the two main areas of the professional activity (private practice and criminal practice), grouping the rest of the fields of practice into a mixed module (contentious, labour, tax and constitutional-European). It is planned, taking into account both the content and the spirit of the applicable legal and regulatory regulations, an specific module concerning the bar association organisation, the legal and organizational framework of the lawyer's activity, his deontological duties and the techniques of extrajudicial resolution of conflicts. Finally, given the absolutely differentiated nature of its content and objectives, specific modules have been scheduled for the Master’s Thesis and Work Placement.