Structure of the Degree
A 90 credits Curriculum is planned to be taught throughout two academic years and will comprise the theoretical and practical training required to achieve the Master’s in General Health Psychology.
The curricular pathway proposed is the following one:
- During the first semester, the subjects belonging to the Basic Module and 8 subjects belonging to the Compulsory Specific Module will be taught.
- During the second semester, two compulsory specific subjects and the elective subjects will be taught. Each student must choose 4 subjects to complete the 12 elective credits established by law. Also, during the second semester, the students will join the internships centres to take the 12 credits corresponding to Practicum I. Such centres will be health centres that meet the requirements established by the Decree 69/2008 of 16 February (published in the Official Gazette of the Andalusian Regional Government of 14 March) on health centres. Furthermore, the different internships centres meet the requirements established by the Order ECD/1070/2013, with respect to the number and the qualification of the professionals and the number of consultations attended.
- In the third semester (within the second academic year) students must join the Practicum II in which they will take the 18 practical credits in internships centres duly recognised in compliance with the regulations mentioned in the 3rd section. Students must successfully pass more than 80% of the credits corresponding to the first academic year (out of a total of 60 ECTS credits) to join the Practicum II. Moreover, this third semester will be used for writing and tutoring the Master’s Thesis, which will be defended in public and assessed by three professors who have been teaching such Master's. Such work has a curricular load of 12 credits.