Structure and distribution of credits


Distribution of the curriculum in ECTS credits by type of subject matters

Distribution of the curriculum in ECTS credits by type of subject matters
Course Basic Mandatory Optatives Curricular internships End of Studies Dissertation Total
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Structure of the Degree

The Master's proposed comprises 60 ECTS credits. It comprises 4 modules, a methodological core module, an elective module, a internships module and the Master’s Thesis. The time planing of the Master's will be the following one:

  • 1st Semester. Core Module and group of compulsory subjects of Specialisation/Pathway of the Elective Module.
  • 2nd Semester. Group of free choice subjects of Specialisation/Pathway of the Elective Module, Praxis Module and Master’s Thesis.

1. Core Module (common for both orientations, professional and research). 18 ECTS credits correspond to this common module, which are distributed in methodological compulsory subjects:

  • Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 4 ECTS.
  • Genetic and Genomic Engineering, 4 ECTS.
  • Fundamentals of Bioreactors, 5 ECTS.
  • Advanced Biology, 5 ECTS.

2. Elective Module. In this module 72 ECTS credits distributed in 19 subjects are offered. Students must take 24 ECTS. In accordance with the chosen subjects, the student may opt for three different Specialisations/Pathways:

  • 1. Specialisation in "Bioprocceses and Industrial Biotechnology".
    (i) Group of compulsory subjects (18 ECTS) aimed at a basic training of the specialisation. Students must have chosen the following subjects: -Bioseparations (6); -Design and implementation of Bioprocesses (6 ECTS); -Bioreaction (3 ECTS); -Quality Control and Validation of Bioprocesses (3 ECTS).
    (ii) Group of free choice subjects (18 ECTS offered). Students must choose 6 ECTS among the offered subjects.
  • 2. Specialisation in "Bio-agricultural Economics and Food Biotechnology".
    (i) Group of compulsory subjects (18 ECTS) intended for a basic training of the specialisation. Students must have chosen the following subjects: -Safety and Innovation in Agrifood Quality Control (3 ECTS); Food Biotechnology (6 ECTS); - Agrarian Biotechnology: Fundamentals and Applications (9 ECTS).
    (ii) Group of free choice subjects (18 ECTS offered). Students must choose 6 ECTS among the offered subjects.
  • 3. General. Its main objective is providing experts with a mixture of abilities and skills derived from the two pathways mentioned above. This specialisation/pathway comprises two groups of subjects:
    (i) Compulsory subjects group (36 ECTS offered). Students must have taken 18 ECTS among the groups of compulsory subjects of the pathways I and II.
    (ii) Free-choice subjects group (36 ECTS offered). Students must have taken 6 ECTS among the groups of free-choice subjects of the pathways I and II.

3. "Praxis" Module (12 ECTS), is compulsory and complementary to the teaching training received in each pathway. Students may choose one of the two orientations (mutually exclusive):

  • (i) Research: Introduction to Research Practicum (12 ECTS).
  • (ii) Professional: Business or Institutional Practicum (12 ECTS).

4. Module "Master’s Thesis" (6 ECTS). It will consist in the preparation, presentation and public defence of a report related with the Praxis Module activities.


Structure of the Máster en Biotecnologia Industrial y Agroalimentaria