
The University of Almeria organises a Summer Course, taking advantage of the presence of internationally recognised scientists and technologists in the meeting SETN 2022 (University of Almeria, 18th-20th July 2022).


This Summer Course is a two-days extension of the meeting focused on Neutrons and shares a day in common with that (20th July).

Electrons and X-Ray are incorporated to the neutron-based techniques, thus addressing a whole pack of knowledge suitable for a broad audience, ranging from undergraduate-postgraduate students to scientist or technologists that develop their activity in the fields of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Medicine.

The Summer Course welcomes experts from international institutions such as the Institute Laue Langevín (ILL, Grenoble, France), the University of Washington (USA), the Politecnico di Milano (Italy), the Italian Institute of Technology, (IIT, Italy), the University of Paris-Saclay (France), the Institute of Materials Science of Madrid (ICMM, CSIC), the Institute of Chemical Synthesis and Homogeneous Catalysis (ISQCH, CSIC-UNIZAR), the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), as well as from the Bruker Company, world-leader on high technology instruments and setups.

Both theoretical and practical aspects are covered. Speakers will travel from the basics and fundamentals on neutrons, electrons, and x-ray, to the latest advances in cutting-edge technologies within those areas.

The Summer Course will be conducted in English.

Data of the activity


International Doctoral School (EIDUAL)


20th to 22nd July 2022

Directed to:

Doctoral students


Auditorium of the University of Almeria


Issued by the organizers of the event