
Tomographic or volumetric images allow us to represent density maps in 3D, they are used in many different fields such as medical imaging, electron microscopy, civil engineering and mining.


 As a starting point for their processing, 2D image processing theory is used but extended to 3D. However, tomographic images require specific developments due to distortions inherent to the 3D reconstruction process. On the other hand, the extra dimension requires redesigning the algorithms to contain their complexity. Since we usually work with computationally intensive algorithms, we also make use of high performance computing. During the course the theory associated with tomogram processing and reconstruction will be introduced. Algorithms for content analysis, such as structure localization and segmentation, will also be described. The course will also include a practical part, where we will work with data from specific application cases.


Data of the activity


International Doctoral School (EIDUAL) Computer Science Department.


Antonio Martínez Sánchez professor of computer science and artificial intelligence at the University of Oviedo.


June 8 and 9, 2022

Directed to:

Doctoral students of the Doctoral Program in Computer Science.

No. of hours:

8 hours


Laboratory 2.02 of CITE III, University of Almeria, Spain.

No. of places:



Issued by the organizers of the event