
The Bank of Spain presents the new data laboratory unit available to the research community, for this purpose we have the presence of Ana Esteban is head of the recently created Data Laboratory Unit of the Bank of Spain (BELab).


Until last May, she was head of the Business Groups and Studies Unit at the Central Balance Sheet Data Office, services in which she has spent most of her professional career and where she has held different responsibilities. At international level, he has been a member of the European Committee of Central Balance Sheet Data Offices and chaired one of its working groups, the Financial Statement Analysis WG. She is currently a member of INEXDA, the network created for the exchange of experiences between the different central bank laboratories. She defines herself as an enthusiast of enhancing the value of public institutions' data by facilitating their access to researchers.

Juan Peñalosa is the Director of the Statistics Department of the Bank of Spain since 2012. He has developed his professional career in this institution, specifically, in its Research Department, where he was previously head of the European Affairs and Euro Area Division, and of the Forecasting and Economic Situation Division. In other words, before becoming a producer, he was basically a user of statistics. He represents the Banco de España in the statistical committees of the Eurosystem, the European Union and the Bank for International Settlements (BIS).


Data of the activity


International Doctoral School (EIDUAL)


Ana Esteban and Juan Peñalosa (Bank of Spain)


June 14, 2022, at 12 noon.

Directed to:

D. students in Economics and Mathematics.

No. of places:



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