
Dr. Jaime Molina Vidal, professor at the University of Alicante, will give a lecture on underwater archaeology. It will be followed by a debate in which the doctoral students will be able to ask questions to the lecturer.

Data of the activity


Academic Committee of the Doctoral Programme in Human and Social Sciences. International Doctoral School (EIDUAL)


Dr. Jaime Molina Vidal, University of Alicante.


February 11, 2021 at 12:00 a.m.

Directed to:

D. students of the Human and Social Sciences program. Especially aimed at students of the Ancient World Studies program.


Aula Magna. Building C. Faculty of Humanities.

No. of places:

No limit


Doctoral students who attend the conference and request it can have a certificate of attendance that can be uploaded to the RAPI platform. Principal Researcher: Dr. Juana López Medina (