
Proclaimed for decades as the prophet of desolation and existential anguish, Samuel Beckett is, however, an author with a great sense of humor. The comic aspect of his work, from physical comedy or slapstick to the outrageously absurd situations, has usually been overshadowed by ontological questions or by the analysis of his inquiry into a literature dismembered from the word. Samuel Beckett's writings are, at the same time profound, very joyful, human, amusing and terribly comic in their harshness; they show an author who is by no means oblivious to the miseries of everyday life, which are contemplated with an ironic and mordant gaze.


D. students and academic faculty are invited to present 15-minute papers in Spanish on any humorous aspect of Samuel Beckett's theater, fiction or poetry. Registration for the event, free of charge, is mandatory to participate either as an attendee or as a speaker. Students interested in participating with a paper should send a summary of their presentation (no more than 300 words) and a brief CV to the conference organizer, Dr. José Francisco Fernández, at the following address: Deadline for submission of proposals: January 10, 2022.

Data of the activity


International Doctoral School (EIDUAL). D. Program in Human and Social Sciences.


FEBRUARY 22, 2022 (16:00) Dr. D" María Jesús López Sánchez-Vizcaíno (University of Córdoba) "'In the beginning was the pun': Humor in Samuel Beckett's narrative". FEBRUARY 23, 2022 (16:00) Dr. D" Núria Santamaria Roig (Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona) "Mondarse de la vida en los infiernos: el humor en el teatro de Samuel Beckett."


February 22 and 23, 2022. Afternoon sessions (Spanish time) from 16:00 to 20:00 hours.

Directed to:

Doctoral students in literary studies and students in their final years of undergraduate studies, as well as academic faculty.

No. of hours:

12 hours


EIDUAL virtual classroom. Link will be provided in early February 2022.

No. of places:



Issued by the organizers of the event