
From the organization of the X Symposium of Research in Experimental Sciences, we invite you to participate one more year, on this occasion, in the tenth edition of this scientific event organized with so much affection from the Faculty of Experimental Sciences in the framework of the feast of St. Albert the Great.


As you all know, but perhaps the new batch of final year undergraduates, or the new PhD students, or the new postdoctoral researchers are not yet aware of, it is aimed especially at them, the younger researchers who need forums where they can share their work and enhance their communication skills. The visibility of this work will be made visible once again this year through flash communications and poster presentations, with the aim of generating a suitable environment so that, in addition to presenting scientific results, ideas and projects, perspectives are shared that induce reflection and the generation of new ideas and collaborations.

You can register electronically until November 4, 2021 at and consult all the information regarding the Symposium. Attached is an information leaflet with the most important dates and news.

Data of the activity


Plenary lecture: Gustavo Fuster Olaguibel St. Albert Conference: Miguel Delibes de Castro Plenary lecture: Rodney Thompson


November 15 Important dates: a) Enrollment: Until November 4, 2021 b) Submission of abstracts: Until November 4, 2021 (via web) c) Poster Submission: Until November 7, 2021 (see web) d) Hanging of posters in Aulario IV: November 9, 2021 from 9 am to 12 noon. They will remain hung from November 9 to 15.

Directed to:

D. students in the programs of 1) Biotechnology and Industrial Bioprocesses, 2) Applied and Environmental Sciences, 3) Mathematics, and 4) Chemistry.

No. of hours:

8 hours


University of Almeria Hall and Graduate Hall Aulario IV

No. of places:



Issued by the organizers of the event