
- Epistemological aspects in the practice of social research from a gender perspective. - Incorporating a gender perspective into conventional qualitative techniques: design, implementation and analysis. - The autoet non-graphic approach to knowledge construction and meaning making. - From intervention to social accompaniment: methodological proposals from Latin America - Qualitative innovation with Photovoice - New methodological tools that respond to current demands in social research with a gender perspective. - Closing. Challenges for research for gender equality.

Data of the activity


CARRIED OUT WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE PROJECT: Sustainability of care for dependent persons: experiences and dilemmas in the design of techno-care (PT18-2624)


International Doctoral School (EIDUAL)


10/22/2021 of 9:30 a 19:00 hours

Directed to:

To all interested doctoral candidates

No. of hours:

7,5 hours


Agustín Diaz Toledo Graduation Hall (Humanities Building C) University of Almeria


Issued by the organizers of the event (Request to