
25-hour course for training in the use of tools and resources frequently used in research projects:


1. José García Pérez - Review of the theoretical concepts of a multiple linear regression model. 2 hours
2. Catalina García García - Introduction to Gretl. Estimation of an econometric model, goodness of fit analysis, individual and global significance tests, inference, prediction and structural change. Use of qualitative variables. 3.5 hours
3. Catalina García García - Detection and estimation in Gretl of models with heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation. 3 hours
4. Román Salmerón Gómez - Introduction to R-study Estimation of an econometric model, goodness-of-fit analysis, individual and global significance tests, inference, prediction and structural change. Use of qualitative variables. 3.5 hours
5. Román Salmerón Gómez - Detection and estimation of models with heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation in Gretl. 3 hours

6. Román Salmerón Gómez - Review of the theoretical concepts of a panel data model. 1 hour
7. Román Salmerón Gómez - Estimation of panel models using R. OLS, fixed effects and random effects. 2 hours
8. Catalina García García - Estimation of panel models using Gretl. OLS, fixed effects and random effects. 2 hours
9. Román Salmerón Gómez - Review of the theoretical concepts of a model with dichotomous dependent variable (logit and probit). 1 hour

Data of the activity




José García Pérez (Professor of the UAL). Catalina García García (Professor of the UGR). Román Salmerón Gómez (Professor of the UGR).


10/11/2021: 09:00 - 13:00h 11/11/2021: 09:00 - 13:30h 12/11/2021: 10:30 - 14:00 and 16:00 - 19:00h 24/11/2021: 10:30 - 13:30 and 16:00 - 19:00h 26/11/2021: 09:00 - 13:00h

Directed to:

Students from the Doctorate Program in Economics, Business and Law.

No. of hours:

25 hours


Computer Classroom 11 (CITE III) University of Almeria

No. of places:



María José Mora Mayoral (collaborator of the Academic Committee). Activity manager.