
This course intends to give a theoretical overview (with examples in AMPL) of some advanced methods to solve hard optimization problems. These methods include constraint generation, column generation, Benders and Dantzig-Wolf decomposition.


These methods are designed to solve large Mixed Integer Programming problems, but some of them are generalized also for nonlinear problems as well. All methods will be modeled using the AMPL mathematical modeling language, and will be demonstrated on an example.

Data of the activity


Dr. Boglárka G.-Tóth, University of Szeged


Monday, October 4th from 12 to 14 Tuesday, October 5 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesday, October 6 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thursday, October 7th from 12 to 14

Directed to:

Preference will be given to PhD students in Computer Science at the UAL, and then to the rest of the applications received, in order of arrival.

No. of hours:

10 hours


University of Almeria Laboratory 2.02 CITE III, Department of Computer Science, University of Almeria, Spain.

No. of places:



Issued by the organizers of the event