
The quantum computing (QC) model represents a radical change in the way we develop algorithms. Large companies such as IBM, Google, Microsoft and Alibaba, among others, are investing large sums in the development of ever larger and more reliable quantum computers.


Large companies and governments see quantum computing as one of the disruptive technologies with the highest growth potential and new fields of application are appearing, ranging from AI and ML, financial and logistics optimization applications to drug design and weather prediction. This course aims to present, at an introductory level, the basic concepts of quantum computing and the most important classical algorithms within QC, ending with the description of different programming models and current algorithms.

Data of the activity


Dr. Tomás Fdez. Peña, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain


September 6 and 7 9:30 to 14:30 both days

Directed to:

Students of the PhD programme in Computer Science

No. of hours:

10 hours


Laboratory 2.02 of CITE III, UAL

No. of places:

Seminar (classroom)


Issued by the organizers of the event