
The number of algorithms and techniques associated with problem solving using Machine Learning make up a huge range.


Each project has some characteristics that make it unique, and therefore, it is necessary to find the most appropriate way to address its resolution. This PhD course aims to show some case studies and propose a resolution. These case studies have been solved within a research line and published in journals of impact. The aim is to provide students with some basic tools that can be useful when looking for the ideal solutions based on Machine Learning that they can use to solve their research problems.

Data of the activity


Dr. Antonio J. Fernández (UNIR)


July 12th to 14th

Directed to:

Students of the PhD programme in Computer Science


ADS Laboratory, first floor, Cite-III Building, University of Almeria, Spain.

No. of places:

18 (the 18 first registered will be able to attend, in case of vacancies, the order of the list will be followed)


Issued by the organizers of the event