
In semi-arid areas, the reuse of reclaimed water and the desalination of brackish and seawater for crop irrigation are presented as an alternative to alleviate the deficiency of water resources.


Reclaimed water is water that, after domestic or industrial use, is subjected to adequate treatment and can be reused. Desalinated water refers to water that is unsuitable for irrigation due to its high salinity and which, after undergoing the necessary processes to reduce it, can be used for agricultural irrigation.

Data of the activity


UPCT Faculty / PhD Programme in Greenhouse Technology and Industrial and Environmental Engineering-CIAIMBITAL


From 28th to 1st July and from 5th to 8th July 2021, from 11 am to 1.30 pm

Directed to:

1. PhD students in Greenhouse Technology and Industrial and Environmental Engineering. Students from other Doctoral Programs interested in the topic UAL Teaching and Research Staff Students in general interested in the subject


University of Almeria Online Platform


Issued by the Academic Committee of the Program