
Nowadays, having normative data for neuropsychological tests is of vital importance along with reliability and validity. Therefore, it is not surprising that more and more clinicians and researchers are interested in new methods for generating normative data. Item Response Theory (IRT) has been shown to address some of the limitations of Classical Test Theory (CTT).


IRT is a more refined approach to the study of the psychometric properties of a test, allowing a more realistic modeling of test responses, since it uses items as the unit of analysis and allows describing some psychometric properties of the instrument through invariant indicators. Thus, generating normative data for a test or item bank based on its estimated θ does not depend on the specific items administered and the value obtained can be compared with that of another test taker who could have received even a different set of items from the bank.

Additionally, computational tools are now available that allow IRT to be applied to optimal performance test data, estimating normative data based on each participant's ability/trait.

Data of the activity


International Doctoral School


Juan Carlos Arango Lasprilla, PhD D. in Psychology / Dr. Arango is a researcher at Ikerbasque, Spain. He currently has more than 300 publications including articles and book chapters, and his research has been published in several of the best medical and psychology journals in the world. Laiene Olabarrieta Landa, PhD Degree in Psychology and PhD in Psychology from the University of Deusto. She currently works as Teaching and Research Staff in the Department of Health Sciences at the Public University of Navarra.


17 May 2021

Directed to:

Doctoral Students in the Area of Medicine

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Issued by the Course Organization