
History of the definitions of electrical power. General review of the work developed by Joule, including Poynting, Steinmetz, Fryze, Budeanu, Emanuel, Czarnecki, Cohen, etc. It would cover the whys of the definitions used, what is useful, what is easy and wrong (Fourier), and why extensions fail.


Discussion of the numerical coincidences that cause the current discrepancies in the scientific community.
Physical problems with standard definitions (amplitude vs integral) for single-phase cases. Physical definitions based on energy conservation (an equation with two unknowns that we can solve, but: is it physically correct?) Differences between the serial model and the parallel model. Power calculation using energy instead of definitions. Source point of view vs. load point of view. Lissajous method for calculating reactive power.
Three-phase systems and practical solutions. The disappearance of instantaneous reactive power in balanced three-phase systems Power fluctuations without reactive elements. Practical aspects for machine design, reactive compensation, and waveform correction.

Data of the activity


Area of Electrical Engineering and International Doctoral School of the University of Almeria


Prof. Dr. Francisco de León. Tandon School of Engineering. New York University.


November 23rd, 25th and 27th from 4pm to 7pm

Directed to:

Doctoral and Engineering students and Engineering students in general.



No. of places:

Unlimited places


Issued by the organizers of the event