
This 9th Symposium aims to be a forum for meeting and exchanging ideas among young researchers. The aim is to create an environment where, in addition to presenting scientific results, ideas and projects, perspectives are shared and topics of interest are discussed.


This year's edition will be broadcast in streaming through the symposium's website in an effort to give continuity to the event and continue to be a showcase for the science being done at our university.

Researchers will be able to submit abstracts of their ongoing research for poster presentation, and only those showing the greatest interest and impact will be selected for presentation in flash mode. This year the Symposium will award 6 cash prizes worth 300 euros for the best poster/presentation, and in addition, 4 cash prizes worth 150 euros will be awarded for the best poster contributions.

Data of the activity


International Doctoral School, Faculty of Experimental Sciences of the University of Almeria, Vice-rectorate for Research and Innovation, Campus of International Agrifood Excellence, Research Centre for Mediterranean Intensive Agro-Systems and Agrifood Biotechnology, Bruker, Dicsa, Kimitec Group, Cosentino.


13 November 2020

Directed to:

Any final year undergraduate student, masters and doctoral students or post-doctoral researchers, all of them linked to the Faculty of Experimental Sciences (FCCEE) of the University of Almeria, as well as other Andalusian Experimental Faculties, may participate in this 9th Symposium. All those members of the university community interested in learning about the most recent research carried out in the disciplines of Experimental Sciences may attend this Symposium.




Issued by the organizers of the event