The topics to be discussed will be:
- Introduction to computer vision.
- Softening of the image.
- Edge detection.
- Detection and matching of points of interest. Introduction to Jupyter notebooks and Microsoft Azure Notebooks.
- Introduction to python, numpy and OpenCV
- Python image processing.
- 2D transformations and image formation
- Pinhole model. Homographies.
- Camera model. Application of homographies to images.
- Managing perspective.
- Example applications.
- Formation of the image in a pin-hole model.
- Camera calibration.
- Epipolar geometry.
- 3D projection of the image.
- 3D triangulation.
Data of the activity
Program in Computer Science at the University of Almeria.Sponsors:
International Doctorate School of the University of Almeria (EIDUAL), CEIMAR and the Department of Computer Science of the University of Almeria.Teaches:
Dr. Javier González and Dr. Francisco Angel Moreno (University of Málaga).Date:
DateJuly 3, 6 and 7, 2020 Schedule9:30 to 13:30, day 3, and 9:30 to 12:30 days 6 and 7
Directed to:
students in Computer Science and anyone interested in the subjectPlace:
Collaborate tool available in the Virtual Classroom (BlackBoard) of the University of Almeria.Certificate:
Issued by the organizers of the event