
Important bibliometric indicators for the research career

Data of the activity


International Doctoral School of the University of Almeria


Laiene Olabarrieta Landa, graduate in psychology from the University of Deusto. Her studies have focused on the area of neuropsychology, with experience in neuropsychological assessment and implementation of cognitive rehabilitation programs in patients with brain damage. She has worked in the outpatient rehabilitation unit for brain damage at Aita Menni in Bilbao. She has been selected by the Basque Government, as a member of the Talentia Bizkaia group, a program aimed at the most outstanding students of the Basque Universities. She has worked in the Lifespan Cognition and Development Laboratory of Dr. Ellen Bialystok, Toronto (Canada), where she was awarded a research prize by the National Academy of Neuropsychology. Her fields of research focus on bilingualism and rehabilitation in people with brain damage


28 May 2020; 16:00-18:00

Directed to:

Doctorate students from the University of Almeria

No. of hours:

20 hours


No. of places:



Certificate issued by "Neuropsychology Learning"