
The III Conference of Doctorate in Computer Science of the University of Almeria (JDI2020@UAL) is an event that takes place within the framework of the PhD Program in Computer Science of the UAL whose main objective is to follow up the annual research of doctoral students, and that serves, at the same time, as an annual meeting point for students, tutors, directors and members of the university community with common interests in scientific research in the field of Computer Science.


Likewise, these conferences aim to serve as a forum for the dissemination and popularization of the research results in Computer Science that are being developed in the doctoral theses supported by the current R+D projects of the Research Groups of the Computer Science Department. These conferences are open, and the entrance is free, being able to attend them any person interested in the scientific and technical research in the field of Computer Science.

Data of the activity


PhD Program in Computer Science


25 January 2020: Proposal for TITLE + ABSTRACT 14 February 2020, sending of the report 21 February 2020, celebration of the event, exhibition of the works

Directed to:

Students of the PhD Program in Computer Science

No. of hours:

3 hours


Grade Room of the CITE building - III. University of Almeria


Issued by the organizers of the event