
Research experience has become essential in the professional training of people working in the health sciences. One of the most important aspects for a clinician and a researcher is to be able to present and publicize the results of their studies within their academic community, so knowing how to write an article for an indexed journal has become extremely important in the academic training of these people. On the other hand, nowadays, having experience in research and having published articles in scientific journals is a requirement that is usually demanded at the time of doing a postgraduate degree or getting a job. At the academic level, it is increasingly common to find that universities require their students and professors to be able to generate research questions, pose hypotheses, design studies, analyze data and publish the results. The objective of this course is to provide attendees with a series of practical tips on the dos and don'ts of writing articles for high impact scientific journals.


Types of articles: original articles, short communications, case reports or clinical notes, review articles, editorials, commentaries and letters to the Editor or correspondence.
2. Research articles: what is scientific writing, definition of the scientific article, key questions to ask before writing a scientific article, and the organization of the scientific article.
3. The title: importance of the title, how to write a good title, things to avoid when writing the title, most frequent mistakes when writing the title and practical examples.
4. The abstract: how to write a good abstract, aspects to take into account when writing the abstract, things to avoid when writing the abstract, most frequent mistakes when writing the abstract and practical examples.
5. The introduction: how to write a good introduction, aspects to take into account when writing the introduction, things to avoid when writing the introduction, most frequent mistakes when writing the introduction and practical examples.
6. The method: how to elaborate a good method, aspects to take into account when writing the method, things to avoid when writing the method, most frequent mistakes when writing the method and practical examples.
7. Results: how to write the results section, things to consider when writing the results, things to avoid when writing the results, most frequent mistakes when writing the results and practical examples.
8. Discussion: how to write the discussion, aspects to keep in mind when writing the discussion, things to avoid when writing the discussion, most frequent mistakes when writing the discussion and practical examples.
9. References: types of references or formats, how to place the article in the journal format and computer programs to organize the references.
10. Tables and Figures: how and where to include tables or figures in the article, what tables and figures should and should not include, and practical examples.
11. Selection of the journal: how to select the journal, what is indexing, what is the impact factor, peer reviewers and journals.
12. Submitting the article to the journal: how to write the letter to the journal editor, copyright, conflict of interest, check list or error checking before submitting the article, how to upload the article to the journal page and submit it, and how to respond to reviewers' comments.

Data of the activity


International Doctoral School (EIDUAL)


Juan Carlos Arango Lasprilla, PhD PhD in Psychology / Dr. Arango is a researcher at Ikerbasque, Spain. He currently has more than 300 publications including articles and book chapters, and his research has been published in several of the best medical and psychology journals in the world. Laiene Olabarrieta Landa, PhD Degree in Psychology and PhD in Psychology from the University of Deusto. She currently works as Teaching and Research Staff in the Department of Health Sciences at the Public University of Navarra.


February 1, 2023

Directed to:

Doctoral students from all programs.

No. of hours:

26 video lessons / 5 hours Virtual classroom for answering questions: 1 hour



No. of places:



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