
In the last 15 years there has been an important debate on the interpretation of polytheism in the ancient world. On the one hand, the usefulness of the concept of "religion", connoted by the construction of the term from Christianity, is under discussion. On the other hand, different schools have interpreted in different ways the conception of religious phenomena in antiquity, from the success of the so-called "polis religion" to the most modern analytical trends. Throughout the conference, the state of the art of these issues is addressed and an overview of new perspectives such as "lived religion", network theory, the religious market, the sensorium or resonance, as approached from the RICO research project (Religion: the individual and the communitas), of which the speaker is principal investigator, is offered.

Data of the activity


PhD Program in Human and Social Sciences


International PhD School


Dr. Jaime Alvar Ezquerra (Professor of Ancient History, Carlos III University of Madrid)


28/04/2023 at 12:00 a.m.

Directed to:

Students of the International PhD program in Human and Social Sciences, research line - Ancient World Studies (from Prehistory to the Middle Ages), but it is also open to students of the Master in Advanced Studies in History (7112) and to those of the Bachelor's Degrees in History and Humanities.


Aula Magna of the Humanities Building C

No. of places:



issued by the organization of the activity