
The workshop Research Techniques in Humanities, given by Dr. Amal Haddad, from the University of Granada, aims to familiarize PhD students with the necessary techniques to research and publish the results in high impact specialized journals.


The contents are as follows:

  • What is a research article and how to make a good article: aspects to take into account to elaborate an original research article and make it attractive.
  • Research techniques: how to use new technologies to obtain more innovative and interdisciplinary results, even in more classical fields.
  • Journals and publishers where to publish in Humanities: impact index and its importance.
  • The editorial process of journals in Q1: the process of an academic article from its reception in the journal to its publication or rejection.
  • The role of the reviewer and how to respond to reviewers' suggestions.
  • Opportunities for international research collaboration: how to make the most of a research stay even for publication.
  • The importance of conferences.
  • Tips to overcome obstacles.

Data of the activity


Doctorate in Human and Social Sciences


International Doctoral School of the University of Almeria (EIDUAL)


Dr. Amal Haddad, from the University of Granada


July 4, 2023, 10-11:30 a.m.

Directed to:

PhD students of the Program in Human and Social Sciences.

No. of hours:



Agustín Díaz Toledo Graduation Hall, Building C

No. of places:



Issued by the organization of the activity. Coordinator of the doctoral program, Dr. José Francisco Fernández (


It is necessary to register to participate in the workshop and subsequently receive a certificate that can be uploaded to the RAPI as a training activity. To register, write to until 02/07/2023.