In addition to the scientific research, it is important to know the actions that will be fundamental throughout the development of the PhD training. These are as follows:
Keep your catalog of activities up to date
Annual compulsory action: Throughout your PhD you must carry out training activities that will be evaluated by the Academic Committee of the PhD Program. These activities are proposed by the International PhD School (normally common to all PhD students) or the Programs Academic Committees (specific in their research field). In addition, you can carry out all those training activities agreed with your PhD supervisor: attendance at conferences, seminars, presentations, etc.
The up to date of these activities is done through the RAPI.
Keep Your Research Plan Up-To-Date
Annual compulsory action: Into each academic year, you must generate a new Research Plan at RAPI a new Research Plan, either to confirm the validity of the previous one or to make modifications to it. This task activates the evaluation of your work Detalle de la opción Generar Plan en plataforma RAPIeither to confirm the validity of the previous one or to make modifications. This task activates the evaluation of your research work by your director, something essential to continue being a PhD student the next year.