How can these charts be interpreted?
You can maximize each of the charts by clicking on the desired chart and then on the
image that appears at the top
The information is updated every day at 2:00 am.
Activity Tab
How many requests do our users make? What type?
You are able to see how many requests our users make (Ticket No. and Closed Ticket), what type (Ticket Type), what services (Service Name), which Area attends to them (AreaQueue), their progress over time, etc.
Resolution Times Tab
How long do we take to resolve user requests?
You can see how long it takes to resolve your requests or technical issues. This is based on the service (Service Name), the type of request made to us (Ticket Type), or the group of technicians that respond to you (Queue)
Pestaña “En este momento”
¿En qué estamos trabajando ahora? ¿Cuántas peticiones tenemos abiertas? ¿sobre qué servicios?
Podrás conocer en cuantas peticiones de nuestros usuarios estamos trabajando (Ticket Abierto), en qué estado están (State name), en qué servicios (Service Name), de qué tipo son (Ticket Type), etc.
At This Time Tab
What are we working on right now? How many requests do we have open? Which services are they for?
You can find out how many requests our users are working on (Open Ticket), what their status is (State name), what services they are (Service Name), what type they are (Ticket Type), etc.
Commitments Tab
Do we fail to fulfill our time commitments?
When we receive a request from a user, it is quickly catalogued and assigned to the technician that will respond to it (Area). Depending on how the request has been catalogued (its urgency, how many users it affects, what service it is, etc.), we are committed to having begun to work on resoliving it before a certain time has passed. We do everything in our power to fulfill our word. The chart shows the % of occasions we have not been able to fulfill this commitment
New Project Requests Tab
How many requests for new projects do we receive? How many do we handle? How long do we take to respond?
Requests of a certain size (in our terminology, change requests) require prior study to consider their true dimension, implications, cost, planning, etc. In the following chart, you can see how many of these requests are finally approved (% Ticket approved), how many hours it takes on average to respond affirmatively or negatively (Resolution time), for which services these requests are made (Service Name), etc.
Project Development Tab
Do we get behind on our projects? By how long? How many projects are we working on?
Once an "important" request has been approved, it becomes a project (a "delivery" in our terminology). In the following charts, you can see how many of these projects we deal with over time (Number of Deliveries), how many of them are delayed regarding the due date (% Delayed Delivery), how many days late these delayed deliveries are (Average days delayed) , which services are affected by these new projects (Service Name), etc.
Security Tab
Are there many security incidents in the UAL? What type?
It is the STIC's obligation to control computer security at the University of Almeria. We attempt to identify and act upon any incident, whether detected by us or communicated to us by a user. In the following charts, you can see how many security incidents there were (N + Security Ticket), what type (security incident type), whether personal data was affected (Affects Personal Data), etc.
Terminology and Commitments
The STIC is managed according to the ITIL's guide to best practices. This methodology uses terms that can sometimes be unclear. We will attempt to clarify them here
Types of tickets (Ticket Type)
This refers to the different types of requests we can receive
Terminology used
Ticket |
Description |
Example |
Something that affects you (or a small group of users) has stopped working and you ask us to provide a solution
Your PC does not start up
The classroom projector is not displaying correctly
Your file does not appear in the Virtual Campus
Similar to an incident but which affects a large group of users or requires more time and research to find a solution
With the latest update of Windows 10, it is no longer possible to connect to a certain application
Service request
Everything is working fine, you are simply asking us for a quick and simple service.
When you ask us to configure your mobile phone's WiFi or to install a certain software
A change request.
A change request is a request for us to address a new project. If it is a "small" project, it may be a "preapproved change request". If it is a larger project, it is a "Standard Change Request"
You would like us to develop a new option in the UAL App
You request we set up a communications network in the new laboratory in your department
You ask us for a new management application
CAU Ticket
These are simply consultations
Delivery Request
A project of a certain size that is being worked on
The building of a new service, so you can apply for your title via the web
Security incident
An incident related to TIC security suffered by a user or servers
Your password has been stolen
You have "caught" a virus
Queues (Queue) and Areas (AreaQueue)
All our technicians are grouped into different groups according to their speciality (queue) that in turn are part of a specific area of expertise (Areaqueue)
Resolution Time
This is the time, expressed in working hours, that elapses from when you communicate your request until it is completely resolved.
SLA: Commitments
An SLA is a commitment that the STIC assumes to you. Depending on the type of request you have made, how many users it affects, what service it affects, etc., your request is prioritized and a specific SLA is assigned to it.
The SLA is the maximum number of working hours that can elapse from the time you notify us of your request until we begin to work on its resolution.
This commitment from us to start acting ranges from 2 hours (in the most urgent cases) to 12.