Design, do and lean it
Type of Project
K2: Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training
134.785 EUR
Funding entity
Business life can be challenging, especially for small and medium companies, and VET organizations need to be better integrated within the work environment. There is continuous pressure for increasing productivity and developing new and creative solutions to problems.
The Erasmus+ project Design, Do and Lean it! addresses this issue with a fresh approach. At schools, teachers and students can play the role of solution makers and improve work life collaboration, entrepreneurial skills and rapidly reach results. The project is focused on the development of simple-to-use tools based on Experimental Development and Lean principles. Experimental Development is a different way to approach the development and generation of new solutions. Instead of highlighting the role of planning and having a complete set of analyses before designing a solution, the project puts the emphasis in experimentation and applied development.
The project is based around three key approaches: Agile Management, Lean Principles and Design Thinking. These managerial approaches complement each other to provide a simple, yet powerful framework to facilitate the development and generation of new solutions (e.g. products, services, strategies), while increasing quality and productivity.
Design Do and Lean was developed thanks to a study course containing a video, some tools and a guidebook based on education used in Riveria, but developed further to be suitable for all partners and VET in whole Europe. The partners were supported by the project manager to conduct experiments and to apply lean thinking methods to daily life.
Consortia (coordinating and partners)
Pohjois-Karjalan koulutuskuntayhtymä, Riveria
Felipe De Borbon
Vrij Katholiek Onderwijs Opwijk
Universidad De Almeria
Associazione Italiana Per L'agricoltura Biologica
UAL Coordination
- Vicerrectorado de Proyección InternacionalServicios y competencias del Vicerrectorado
- Erasmus Student Network (ESN)Asociacion de estudiantes de Erasmus
- Welcome CenterPunto de recepción para investigadores que quieren realizar una estancia en la UAL
- UMOVE aplicaciónAplicación de gestión de la movilidad