Computer resources

The UAL offers you an extensive catalogue of ICT services to help you achieve your goals.


Connect to the UAL network and the Internet from any part of the Campus
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Need a PC?

Need a PC?
If you haven't got a computer, no worries. We can lend you one
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Need software?

Need software?
You'll find all the software you need here... and for free


Communication and collaboration tools. Much more than email
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Electronic Administration

Electronic Administration
Carry out numerous administrative procedures online
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Just arrived?

Just arrived?
Information to start using UAL's ICT services
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Here to help you

Here to help you
Get in touch with us if you have any problems or questions
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ICT Resources in Library

ICT Resources in Library
Document databases, institutional repository, bibliography, search engine, etc.
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Virtual Classroom

Virtual Classroom
Access the UAL virtual learning platform (Blackboard Learn)
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The majority of UAL's ICT resources are provided by the Information and Communications Technology Service (ICTS) in its services catalogue.