The Bachelor's Degree in Finance and Accounting aims to train professionals who, being able to develop their activity in any functional area of the company, are trained particularly in the area of finance and accounting.
This is a degree with clear professional guidance, providing specialised training in the design and development of accounting systems, which requires that graduates are able to produce and interpret reports for external and internal company users.
Similarly, these professionals must be able to evaluate investments and different financing formulas, as well as choose the optimal alternative and to set up an economic-financial structure for the company that makes its viability and survival possible.
Bilingual Degree
Students may enrol in the bilingual modality, consisting of at least 60 ECTS from subjects taught in English in the Bachelor's Degree of the University of Almeria, and a one-year stay at an English-speaking university through the ERASMUS programme, or similar, where at least 60 other ECTS must be taken. The University will certify that the degree has been completed in the bilingual modality.
Choosing the group
The Bilingual modality involves carefully observing the section on group choice at the time of enrolment, both by those who wish to receive classes in another language and those who do not.

Suggested profile for newly enrolled students
New students should be curious to understand the world of finance and accounting. In particular, value is given to the capacity for abstract reasoning and the ease of separating the causes from the consequences.
The bachelor's degree does not require knowledge in the area of social sciences, since the first semesters are primarily devoted to providing general training in this area.
It would be desirable, however, for these students to be flexible, to be able to deal with financial and accounting problems, for which there is no single solution.
They must also have intellectual concern as to how to assess the impact and consequences of financial and accounting decisions.
General data
Branch of knowledge:
Duration of the program:
{{pre.presentacion[0].n_creditos}} Credits / {{pre.presentacion[0].n_duracion}} years
Type of education
Language(s) used
Field of Knowledge:
Fields of study -ISCED:
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