

- Document to help you register.


This curriculum is ending as of the 2020-21 academic year. Remember that only failed courses in previous years may be re-sat without attending the lectures.

The fundamental objective of the degree in Economics is to form individuals capable of analysing and interpreting the functioning of the economy both individually and in an aggregate way, with the aim of improving the well-being of society achieving equity and efficiency; and in general, to rigorously analyse and resolve the most relevant economic and social problems.

Bilingual Degree

Students may enrol in the Bilingual modality, which consists of at least 60 ECTS in subjects taught in English in the University of Almeria Degree, and a one-year stay at an English-speaking university, as part of the ERASMUS (or similar) programme, where at least 60 other ECTS must be taken. The University will certify that the degree has been completed in the Bilingual modality. Choosing the group. The Bilingual modality involves carefully observing the section on group choice at the time of enrolment, both by those who wish to receive classes in another language and those who do not.

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Suggested profile for newly enrolled students

The new student should be good at abstract reasoning. He/she should feel at ease using logic to develop simple models on the behaviour of economic agents (individuals, companies and the State), and the interactions between them. He/she should also be comfortable using tools to analyse the economic reality to understand how and why economic phenomena occur. In this regard, a pronounced sensitivity to social issues is of great help when studying these phenomena.

Logical reasoning, the capacity to establish and describe relationships between facts, identifying the causes and assessing the consequences of the causes, are particularly valued. In terms of abstract reasoning, the ease of separating causes from consequences, and extracting the most relevant aspects when dealing with a problem and its solution, are also greatly appreciated. All this is enhanced if the newly-enrolled student has an entrepreneurial spirit, a mind open to new ideas and concepts, and an evident enthusiasm for learning and applying his/her knowledge.

Although prior knowledge in the area of social sciences and economics is valuable, it is not essential to access the degree programme, since the basic training offers a general training in these areas.

General data

Branch of knowledge:


Duration of the program:

{{pre.presentacion[0].n_creditos}} Credits / {{pre.presentacion[0].n_duracion}} years

Type of education


Language(s) used

Spanish French English
Spanish French English
Spanish French English

Field of Knowledge:


Fields of study -ISCED:




Telephone: {{coo.coordinador[0].tlfcoo | trim}}

E-mail: {{coo.coordinador[0].emailcoo}}

E-mail: {{c.cen_email}}

Objectives and Competencies

Objectives and Competencies

Go to Objectives and Competencies

Professional and Academic opportunities

Upon completing these studies, graduates will have the academic and professional career opportunities listed below:

Academic opportunities. Relation with other studies

The degree in Economics shares basic training with three other degrees offered by the University of Almeria’s Faculty of Economics and Business Sciences: The Degree in Business Administration and Management, the Degree in Finance and Accounting and the Degree in Marketing and Market Research. 

Likewise, Economics graduates will be able to take some of the postgraduate courses offered by our Faculty: The Official Master’s in Business Management, The Inter-University Official Master’s in Corporate Accounting and Finance, The Official Master’s in International Business Administration and Modern Languages, and the Doctorate Programme in Business Management and Economics. In addition, they will be able to access other official and non-official masters courses and those offered by the University of Almeria itself.

Academic opportunities. Relation with other studies

Professional opportunities

The Degree in Economics offers its graduates a wide range of employment possibilities:

  • Economic advisor in companies and in the various international organizations (UN, ECB, IMF,…).
  • Analyst of economic study services.
  • International financial analyst.
  • Director and manager of public and private companies.
  • Tax inspector.
  • State Trade Technical Expert and Economist.
  • Senior Civil Service Administrator.
  • Auditor and consultant.
  • Teaching and Research.

Professional opportunities

Professional qualification

There are currently no legally regulated professions for the Degree in Economics. However, Decree 871/77, of 26th April 1977, approving the Statute for the Professional Activities of Economists, Chartered Accountants and Certified Accountants, indicates a set of general economic company functions related to the competencies of this Degree.


  • Report of the "Undergraduate Degree in Economics (Curriculum 2010)".Current report (latest version): 16 May 2016.
  • Validation report of the "Undergraduate Degree in Economics (Curriculum 2010)".Latest validation report: 18 February 2016.
  • P7.- Material Resources and Services.Availability and Suitability of Material Resources and Services.


Pending approval

Pending publication

Pending verification

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Deployment {{pre.estado[0].any_iniplan}}
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End extinction {{pre.otros_datos[0].any_fin_extincion}}