The Bachelor's Degree in Marketing and Market Research provides comprehensive quality training in the field of marketing, preparing graduates to meet the existing and future demand for versatile professionals, who are able to carry out a wide range of functions within the areas of marketing direction and management, and market research in national and international environments.
This degree has an eminently practical training vision, guaranteeing the mastery of methodologies and techniques, both quantitative and qualitative, to find solutions to real problems and take advantage of the opportunities that marketing offers.
Bilingual Degree
Students may enrol in the Bilingual modality, consisting of at least 60 ECTS in subjects taught in English in the Bachelor's Degree of the University of Almeria, and a one-year stay at an English-speaking university, as part of the ERASMUS (or similar) programme, where at least 60 other ECTS must be taken. The University will certify that the degree has been completed in the bilingual modality.
Choosing the group
The Bilingual modality involves carefully observing the section on group choice at the time of enrolment, both by those who wish to receive classes in another language and those who do not.

Suggested profile for newly enrolled students
Newly-enrolled students should be creative and innovative people, with the capacity for persuasion and initiative, with a deep interest in market understanding and functioning, and with an ability to obtain and analyse information from different sources.
It would also be appropriate for students to have a certain level of social and communication skills, and an interest in knowing different cultures and customs.
Although prior knowledge in the areas of Social Sciences and Business Economics is valuable, this is not essential for accessing the degree, since general training in these subjects is given during the basic training.
General data
Branch of knowledge:
Duration of the program:
{{pre.presentacion[0].n_creditos}} Credits / {{pre.presentacion[0].n_duracion}} years
Type of education
Language(s) used
Field of Knowledge:
Fields of study -ISCED:
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