
The objective of this UAL degree is to provide specific quality training that is dynamic, flexible and adaptable to various fields of work, stimulating entrepreneurship and opening new markets for physical activity and sport.

The degree trains its students to carry out their professional activity in any Physical Activity and Sports field.

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{{centro.nom_centro}} (Department of {{centro.nom_departamento}})

Suggested profile for newly enrolled students

This degree is aimed at students with a broad entry profile, who are interested in teaching physical activity and sport, sports training, the management and planning of sports activities, and the design and development of recreational and leisure activities related to physical activity and sport.

General data

Branch of knowledge:


Duration of the program:

{{pre.presentacion[0].n_creditos}} Credits / {{pre.presentacion[0].n_duracion}} years

Type of education


Language(s) used

Spanish French English
Spanish French English
Spanish French English

Field of Knowledge:


Fields of study -ISCED:




Telephone: {{coo.coordinador[0].tlfcoo | trim}}

E-mail: {{coo.coordinador[0].emailcoo}}

E-mail: {{c.cen_email}}

Objectives and Competencies

Objectives and Competencies

Go to Objectives and Competencies

Professional and Academic opportunities

Upon completing these studies, graduates will have the academic and professional career opportunities listed below:

Academic opportunities. Relation with other studies

The structure of the degree involves the development of applied knowledge (specific know-how) oriented towards the labour market in four professional fields:

  • Teaching Physical Education.
  • Sports training.
  • Physical activity and health.
  • Sports management and recreation.

Academic opportunities. Relation with other studies

Professional opportunities

The Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences (CCEFD) at the University of Almeria will develop specific professional competencies to respond to the new fields of intervention:

  • 1. Sports service companies (organization of events, after-school activities, public facilities management, personnel management…)
  • 2. Sports centres, gyms and other specific physical-sports practice facilities.
  • 3. Tourist animation.
  • 4. Adventure tourism companies.
  • 5. Intervention in community social services and detention centres.
  • 6. Sociocultural animation/recreation and leisure time (youth centres, leisure centres, clubs and playgrounds, municipal education and youth services…)
  • 7. Intervention in childhood, adolescence and youth programmes.
  • 8. Adults and senior programmes.
  • 9. Disability programmes and workplaces.
  • 10. Specialized personal training
  • 11. Occupational risk prevention programmes in the business and public spheres.

Professional opportunities



Pending approval

Pending publication

Pending verification

Deployment {{pre.otros_datos[0].any_ini_implantacion}}
Deployment {{pre.estado[0].any_iniplan}}
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End extinction {{pre.otros_datos[0].any_fin_extincion}}