Timetables and Exams


You can consult your personalized exam timetable and calendar in the University of Almeria app. Download it from Google Play (Android) or the App Store (iPhone).

Timetables by academic year group {{hor.anyo}}

{{cursos}}º Course


Please note:

Those students that meet the participation requirements for theSpecial Exam Arrangement, as indicated in the “Learning Assessment Regulations for Students at the University of Almería”, should request it from the Dean's Office at least 72 hours in advance, accompanying the request with the correspondent supporting documentation. The date of the Special Exam Arrangement will be the last day of the academic exam calendar for each exam sitting, unless another date is expressly agreed upon with the teacher (within that exam sitting).

Exams calendar

The results obtained by the student in each of the curriculum subjects will be graded from 0 to 10 according to the following numerical scale (expressed as a decimal), to which the corresponding qualitative rating may be added:

Fail: From 0 to 4.9 (Suspenso)
Pass: From 5 to 6.9 (Aprobado)
Very Good: From 7 to 8.9 (Notable)
Excellent: From 9 to 10 (Sobresaliente)
With honours: excellent with a special mention

The assessment system at UAL is generally regulated by the Learning Assessment Regulations. The system for assessing curricular internships and dissertations/theses (TFG, TFM) is also regulated.

It is important to consult the specific assessment system in each of the teaching guides of the degree subjects.