Structure and distribution of credits


Distribution of the curriculum in ECTS credits by type of subject matters

Distribution of the curriculum in ECTS credits by type of subject matters
Course Basic Mandatory Optatives Curricular internships End of Studies Dissertation Total
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Total {{ct.credects}} {{ct.credects}} {{ct.credects}} {{ct.credects}} {{ct.credects}} {{cre.creditos_totales | map: 'credects' | toArray | sum}}

Structure of the Degree

  • Module 1: BASIC TRAINING.
  • Module 2: WORLD HISTORY.
  • Module 3: HISTORY OF SPAIN.
  • Module 6: ELECTIVE.


MENTIONS: (Warning: It is not compulsory to take one mention to obtain the degree. In this case, 48 ECTS will be taken among the elective subjects of the degree).

The two mentions that can be reached in this bachelor's degree are:

1st) “Mention in Social Inequalities in History”. To obtain this mention, students must have successfully passed the following subjects or have recognised the credits corresponding to such subjects:

  • Women and Social Inequality in Prehistory.
  • City and Social Inequalities in the Classic World.
  • Living and Dying in the Middle Ages.
  • The Society of Privilege in Modern Spain.
  • History of Social Movements in Contemporary Spain.

2nd) “Mention on Social, Political and Cultural Changes in History”. To obtain this mention, students must have successfully passed the following subjects or have recognised the credits corresponding to such subjects:

  • Social Organisation in Prehistory.
  • Phoenician Colonization and Change in the Mediterranean World of the 1st millennium BC.
  • Rural World and Urban World in the Middle Ages.
  • Cultural History of the Modern Age.
  • History of Contemporary Spain.

It is not a requirement to obtain the mention that the bachelor's dissertation has to be carried out about a specific topic of the mention, but students are recommended to choose, among the topics offered, one topic that strengthens the chosen mention.

Internships (seventh semester) are compulsory, and if there are not enough vacancies for their carrying out, students must take the subject “Historical Heritage Management”, which would only be offered in that case.


Students of this bachelor's degree may cover their elective load:

  • a) Taking the elective subjects included in this report.
  • b) Proving their participation in cultural, sports, student representation, supportive and collaborative activities as it is set out in article 12.8 of the Royal Decree 1393/2007 with the limits established in such regulations, and in accordance with the procedure established in the Credit Recognition and Transfer Rules of the University of Almeria within the limits established in the cited rule.

A total of 13 elective subjects are offered divided into two mentions (5 subjects of 6 ECTS credits, each) + 3 elective subjects not included in the mentions.

  • Landscape and Territory in Prehistory and the Classic World.
  • Monasticism in the Middle Ages.
  • History of Modern and Contemporary Andalusia.

To complete the required credits for their training, students will have to choose 8 elective subjects, therefore they will obtain the mention after taking a total of 30 credits of the subjects comprised by a particular mention. In any case, if the students do not want to obtain any mention, they can choose freely among the 13 elective subjects offered.

All elective subjects are taught in the fourth year, therefore, students can make their choice of elective subjects once they have completed the basic and compulsory subjects of the bachelor's degree in the preceding years.