Structure and distribution of credits


Distribution of the curriculum in ECTS credits by type of subject matters

Distribution of the curriculum in ECTS credits by type of subject matters
Course Basic Mandatory Optatives Curricular internships End of Studies Dissertation Total
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Total {{ct.credects}} {{ct.credects}} {{ct.credects}} {{ct.credects}} {{ct.credects}} {{cre.creditos_totales | map: 'credects' | toArray | sum}}

Structure of the Degree

The Bachelor's Degree in Primary Education by the University of Almeria is organised in four academic years, eight semesters, each one has 30 ECTS. Student must take 240 ECTS.

Bachelor's degree education is organised in Basic and Specialist Training Modules (compulsory), Elective and Internships Modules and the Bachelor's Dissertation.

Time planning chart of the degree:

The curriculum has:

Basic Training Module (subjects organised by academic years and semesters):
The curriculum has three Basic Training Modules, six subjects, distributed throughout the two semesters of the first and second academic years.

Specialist Training Module, compulsory, (subjects organised by academic years and semesters):
The curriculum has six Specialist Training Modules, compulsory, with eleven subjects distributed throughout the two semesters of the second, third and fourth academic years.

Elective organised in mentions:
The University of Almeria has decided grouping the elective credits in the Bachelor's Degree in Primary Education by mentions:


  • Physical Education.
  • Foreign Language (English).
  • Foreign Language (French).
  • Music.
  • Therapeutic Pedagogy.
  • Audition and Language


Remarks [Elective]
Students must take 30 elective credits among those offered to obtain the degree. Students who want to obtain a mention must take the five specific elective subjects (30 credits) for each mention.

See the elective subjects offered for each mention in this degree clicking on 'Subjects organised by mentions'.

With the purpose of providing the same number of students in all the mentions, there will be an enrolment limit in each of the mentions, and it shall be fixed depending on the number of registrations of each year and the mentions offered. The selection criteria will be only the registration order.

Students enrolled in one mention, independently of the mention, must take all the courses included in such mention.

The course 'Christian Message (Fundamental Theology and Christology)' is offered out of the mention, and it may be taken within one of the periods aimed at the carrying out of the elective subjects.


School Internships and Bachelor's Dissertation Module:
Internships, in school centres, will be carried out during all the academic years of the degree. It shall provide students with a transferable and comprehensive training, where all the knowledge and competencies acquired in the Bachelor's Degree will be applied.

The Bachelor's Dissertation will be carried out in the second semester of the last academic year. This Undergraduate Dissertation will implement all the competencies acquired throughout the Bachelor's Degree in the development of the final report.