Degree Tutorings


Undergraduate students at the University of Almeria may have a degree tutor to assist and orient them in their learning processes, their transition to the labour world and their academic and professional development.

During the first three weeks of the first and last year of the degree (or, if applicable, within two weeks of enrolment), students may request the Centre for the allocation of a degree tutor.

It will be understood that those students who do not apply for the degree tutor within the deadline established will waive their right to have a degree tutor.

The functions of the degree tutors will be:

A) to facilitate the transition and adaptation process of the student to the university environment.

b) to provide the students with information, orientation and learning resources.

c) to orientate in the configuration of the curricular itinerary, taking into account the specificities of students with special educational needs.

D) Provide information on the transition to the labour world, the initial career development and access to continuing education.

Degree tutors will be selected from among the teachers of the corresponding degree. The number of first and last year students allocated to the same tutor will be 20 or less.

In order to allocate degree tutors to students who request it, the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences has established the following criteria:

- Those teachers who voluntarily request it to the Dean's Office will be designated as tutors, in accordance with the announcement made for this purpose. According to the same, each teacher will be able to supervise up to a maximum of 20 students.

- If the total number of students who have applied for tutoring is equal to or less than the maximum potential offered by the tutors voluntarily, the allocation will be made in alphabetical order and proportionally.

- If the number of students to be tutored is higher than the maximum potential offered by the tutors on a voluntary basis, the number of students missing for tutoring shall be distributed proportionally among full-time teachers who teach at the Centre and who have not voluntarily applied for tutoring. According to the above procedure, the teachers who have requested tutorship and those designated by the Centre will be joined, and the allocation will be made in alphabetical order (unless a teacher makes an express request for a student) and in a proportional manner in each degree. If the number of tutors is insufficient with these criteria, part-time teachers will be turned to.

- Teachers will be allocated to each degree taking into account preferably the degree in which they give most of their lessons.

A change of degree tutor may be made at the request of either party by means of a reasoned writing addressed to the Dean’s Office of the Faculty which will consider approval and subsequent re-allocation of a degree tutor, if appropriate.

The duties of the tutor are to call the tutored students at least twice per academic year and to keep a record which will send to the Centre, of the attendance and meetings held throughout the academic year in group and individual mode.

The inadequate fulfilment of the functions and obligations of the tutor, following a proposal from the Teaching Committee of the Centre or, if appropriate, from the coordinator of the degree, will be enough reason for the termination of the degree tutoring.

Degree tutoring must be adapted to the needs of students with functional diversity, paying special attention to the integration of new students.

The Degree Tutoring replaces the Orientation Tutoring.

Allocation of tutors of the different degrees of the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences.

Students enrolled in the first and fourth years of an undergraduate degree in the 2018/2019 academic year

Specific regulations

Specific regulations on {{nom.dsplan}}


General UAL regulations concerning degree tutoring


Basic guidelines for Degree Programme Tutoring

Assignment of tutors to students in each course

Orientation Tutoring means the most visible change with respect to the tutorial action that was being carried out in the university scope, since it brings a new dimension that complements the concept of traditional tutoring and its functionality in the new university context. Orientation tutoring is understood as a responsibility of the Centres to guarantee the monitoring of students in the course of their undergraduate studies, through the systematic allocation of students to degree teachers who will act as advisers in the learning process and career projection of tutored students.