The Master's in Physiotherapy and Disability is based on the academic, scientific and professional needs in the field of Physiotherapy. The training offered by the Master’s also responds to social need, and to the physical therapist's own professional requirements, working daily with people who have traumatic, neurological, musculoskeletal, and postural conditions, etc., and who need to constantly update and deepen their knowledge to obtain answers to the many relevant questions that professional practice raises.
The implementation of new therapeutic procedures in the Physiotherapy Area is currently underway; these should be investigated in the different clinical scenarios for their later integration into the various health systems, allowing a comprehensive patient-based approach in line with the multidisciplinary work developed by other health professionals.
Suggested profile for newly enrolled students
The applicant profile will preferably be that of a student with the basic scientific knowledge necessary to understand, interpret, analyse and explain the knowledge of his/her field of physiotherapy and disability.
Self-learning skills and skills to define objectives, develop plans and select techniques of action are also valued, as well as attitudes and values to face situations professionally with an ethical commitment to proceed appropriately.
Furthermore, the applicant should have acquired, at least in a basic way, a series of transversal competencies that contribute to developing the following capacities: synthesis, problem-solving, decision-making, teamwork, self-reflection and skill upgrading.
General data
Branch of knowledge:
Duration of the program:
{{pre.presentacion[0].n_creditos}} Credits / {{pre.presentacion[0].n_duracion}} years
Type of education
Language(s) used
Field of Knowledge:
Fields of study -ISCED:
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