Adaptation of the Curriculum
The study report may include some tables to facilitate transfer to students from other studies, usually from studies that are discontinued as a result of the implementation of this degree.
These tables show the equivalences between subjects and their application will result in the automatic recognition of all the credits contained in them.
The following table shows the adaptation of the existing studies of {{oldplan.nom_plan}} to the new Curriculum of {{nom.dsplan}}
Subjects of {{oldplan.nom_plan}} | Subjects of {{nom.dsplan}} |
{{ori | ltrim: '\\d+\-'}} |
{{des | ltrim: '\\d+\-'}} |
In addition, the following shall be taken into account.
An attempt will be made to recognize the elective credits completed by the student in the degree from the country of origin, even if the specific subjects of the destination studies are not equivalent, when their content is considered appropriate to the degree objectives and competencies, and especially, in the case of study adaptations leading to degrees considered equivalent in accordance with the rules for recognising credits.
Students of previous degrees may choose to: